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2023-2024 Parent's Day Out Calendar
Parent's Day Out follows the Poudre School District School calendar for holiday closings and other days schools are not in session. Additionally, we follow the PSD’s determination regarding snow days. A PSD late start will cancel PDO classes for the day. Notification of PDO cancellations will be posted on the website, on the school voice mail, and in an email sent to families.
Sept. 3: Opening day, PDO begins
Oct. 17-18: Closed as per PSD schedule
Nov. 25-29: Closed for Thanksgiving break
Dec. 23-Jan. 3: Closed for Christmas break
Jan. 7: PDO resumes
March 17-21: Closed for Spring break
April 18: Closed as per PSD schedule
May 16: Closed as per PSD schedule
May 23: Last day of PDO
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